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After talks with the Tzenkethi Coalition, under leadership of Lorqueten Siv Lom-A, fell apart the Tzenkethi party returned to coalition space putting the Federation once again in a conflict with the Tzenkethi Coalition.

A new year is well underway, and with it come changes for Deep Space K-17, chief among those changes is a new Commanding Officer.

The crew is still adjusting to the fact that the station is no longer the butt of every joke in Starfleet, not to mention the learning curve of working with a newly updated station.

Mission Group 2396
Start Date Mon Feb 3rd, 2025 @ 8:03pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Make It Happen
by Captain Liam Grimaldi-Ral & Reittan Ral
MD04-1730 Hours **Deep Space K-17-Quarters of Captain Liam Grimaldi-Ral and Reittan Ral**
An Idea
by Reittan Ral
MD01-0900Hours **Deep Space K-17- Various**
Updates Over Raktajino
by Cyreeya & Tavir
MD01-0830 **Deep Space K-17- Cyreeya's Apartment**
Morning Musings
by Cyreeya
MD01- 0630 Hours **Deep Space K-17- Various**
Very Interesting Indeed
by Lieutenant Haz Mondo PsyD
MD01-0845 Counselling Suite, Medical Section, Deep Space K-17
A New Home
by Captain Liam Grimaldi-Ral & Reittan Ral
MD01- 0800 Hours USS Lo'rathe

Mission Summary

Since Last Time on Star Trek: Deep Space K-17

-Talks with the Tzenkethi Coalition, under leadership of Lorqueten Siv Lom-A, fell apart. The Tzenkethi party returned to coalition space. The Federation is once again in a conflict with the Tzenkethi Coalition.

-Captain Etan Kaz, Commanding Officer DEEP SPACE K-17 , reassigned to the Task Force HQ working closely with command on the Tzenkethi issue.

-Interim command given to Lieutenant Commander Athon Scordato until a permanent replacement is assigned.

-A few Starfleet ships engage in border skirmishes with Tzenkethi ships. Though the conflict is still considered mostly cold.

-Starfleet Corps of Engineers (SCE) completed a total overhaul of Deep Space K-17. The station has retained and restored much of its vintage charms, while featuring brand new technology and systems upgrades.

-Despite the Tzenkethi threat, DEEP SPACE K-17’s reclassification as a Deep Space Waypoint station has drawn in numerous Civilian businesses, and become an added stop on many local trade routes.
Captain Liam Grimaldi-Ral to assume command of DEEP SPACE K-17.