A New Home
Posted on Tue Feb 4th, 2025 @ 2:12am by Captain Liam Grimaldi-Ral & Reittan Ral
01-A Change
Location: USS Lo'rathe
Timeline: MD01- 0800 Hours
Guest Quarters, USS Lo'rathe
"At first I thought 'Wow, a K-Class station, how vintage' right?" Reittan moved around the very standard Starfleet cabin that had been his home for the last two weeks. He reached for a discarded piece of clothing and tossed it into an open bag. "But now.. won't it be really really out of date? Do they even have replicators?" He asked, stopping to look at his husband.
Liam picked out the garment Reittan had tossed and folded it neatly before returning it to the bag. "I told you Imzadi, the entire station has been updated. I heard they tried to keep the vintage charm though." He zipped the bag and added it to the ever growing pile by the room's door.
"Oh good!" The Betazoid let out a sigh of relief at Liam's assurances.
Just then the chirp of the comms sounded in the space. "Rhodes to Grimaldi." The familiar voice of the ship's captain rang out for Liam and Reittan to hear.
Liam reached up and tapped his combadge."Go ahead Captain." He responded.
"We've dropped out of warp and are on our approach to Deep Space K-17." Rhodes' voice was even and authoritative. "I wondered If you and Mr. Ral wanted to come and view station from the bridge?"
The couple exchanged a look. "We'd love to Calvin!" Reittan called with a playful smile.
Main Bridge, USS Lo'rathe
The bridge of the Diligent-Class USS Lo'rathe was abuzz with activity. Much was in preparation of the ship's real mission near the Klingon Border. they were due there after this short stop at Deep Space K-17.
Captain Calvin Rhodes was no stranger to the center chair and was very used to these 'milk runs', they were even the norm on his last command. He sat thoughtfully in his command chair, his eyes fixed on the viewscreen's depiction of the K-clas station.
The turbolift door hissed as it slip open. Reittan and Liam took a few steps forward allowing the door to close behind them.
"Captain Grimaldi-Ral, Mr.Ral., welcome to the Bridge" Calvin stood and turned towards them, opening his hands in greeting. Despite the length of their journey together, Captain Rhodes had seen very little of the couple.
"Thanks Cal." Liam said patting Captain on the arm. With his other hand he grasped his husband's hand firmly. Their fingers intertwined.
Reittan led Liam past the Captain's chair, closer to the viewscreen. "It almost looks new." He said, sounding surprised. Still he couldn't take his eyes off of the growing image of his new home. There was something captivating about the antique station.
Liam looked at Reittan and smiled. He hung his head slightly, still smiling, and then allowed his gaze to be pulled to the screen. This was it, this was home. At least for the foreseeable future. And Liam felt surprisingly good about that, especially seeing that Reittan looked as though he was already decorating their new apartment in his head.
"Captain Rhodes." An Andorian man called from a nearby station. "Traffic Control has cleared us to dock on Pylon B."
Calvin grasped his hands behind his back and took a few steps back to his chair. "Maneuvering thruster only. Move us in Lieutenant."
Liam squeezed Reittan's hand as the ship drifted slowly, but precisely, toward the prescribed berth. "We'd better finish getting things together." He said, nudging his husband playfully towards the lift. "Time to go home."