Negotiating with the Tzenkethi
Posted on Mon Feb 3rd, 2025 @ 9:52pm by Captain Etan Kaz & Lieutenant Commander Athon Scordato
Edited on on Mon Feb 3rd, 2025 @ 9:52pm
03-Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
Location: DS K-17
Negotiations had been dragging on for hours. Etan didn't have the requisite diplomatic hand to guide the discussions in a direction that would be productive.
"General.." The Captain began.
"Autarch." One of the Tzenkethi interrupted to correct him very quickly. "And you'd do well to bow with reverence when speaking with him.
"My apologies, this change in rank wasn't included in the latest reports, and with all due respect his authority does not extend to my station and the residents of this station are not Tzenkethi subjects." The Trill man turned to face Lorqueten Siv Lom-A, former leader of the Tzenkethi Military, who led the coup that deposed the Autarch. Kaz allowed a bit of a smug look to creep onto his face.
Lorqueten smirked and took a breath. "Your attempts to insult me will not serve the purpose you think Captain Kaz." The hulking reptilian man spoke Federation Standard with a distinct Tzenkethi accent.
"I meant no offence." Etan said with forced deference. "We just need to stick with the issues at hand and come to an arrangement that will be satisfactory to both sides. None of us want to repeat the mistakes of the past and have a drawn out border conflict."
Scordato watched as the two men went back-and-forth. It was not the first time the general (or one of his aides) had interrupted the flow of things. And, every time, Scordato did his best to pay attention to what was going on. He knew the captain was counting on him, not so much to engage in the actual negotiations, but to take note of how the different parties were reacting (while Kaz focused on leading the conversations themselves). Which was why Scordato's eyes were not only on the general and the other who had spoken, but also on those who remained silent, looking for non-verbal indications as to what they were thinking.
"As it happens, we wish to address the issue of the current border line." One of the aides, a Tzenkethi female, tapped her data device and the holographic image of the current border was projected before them all. "As you can see the current border, as put forth in the Armistice of 2364, cut off several Tzenkethi colonies from the Coalition."
Captain Kaz watched as the described colonies were highlighted in the projection. "With respect, those colonies you speak of were labour camps, housing political prisoners and members so called 'inferior races'. Prior to the Conflict of 2290, those planets were firmly on the Federation side of the border." The Trill man drew a line with his finger through the hologram. "Their annexation was a precipitating even in that conflict."
The captain was annoyed. It was clear to him that theses talks were not going to be handled quickly.
The female Tzenkethi turned to Lorqueten. Who bared his teeth menacingly as he turned his gaze of the Captain. "We will allow that border to stand as it is currently. " The Tzenkethi man paused. " However, we should like to have some stationary outposts, like this one, of our own."
Etan looked for a moment towards Scordato. This wasn't a request they'd anticipated. The Tzenkethi had always kept their resources close to their homeworld.
Taking advantage of the captain's eye contact, Scordato did his best to send as subtle a message as he could - a quick signal with his eyes and a small, barely noticeable turn of his head from side to side. Anything more, and he would almost certainly have given it away to the Tzenkethi. The look he got in response seemed to be one in want of more information. And so, slowly, he picked up the PADD that was on the table in front of him with one hand, using the other to enter a few quick keystrokes.
Etan returned his focus to the reptilian man. "If I'm remembering correctly, the terms of our original armistice allowed for the construction of border outposts. I'm certain we can continue to honour that, with the addendum that neither of our border assets exceed the others." The Trill's face suppressed a smile. "So, one outpost." He indicated the number one with his finger.
After a few silent glances between the Tzenkethi party, Lorqueten spoke again. "That will be acceptable for the time being." He snarled. "We must finally turn to the subject of Korzenten. We request his immediate return to our custody, it is a matter of extreme importance for the new regime."
"It is our view that the Federation has interfered in this transition of power for long enough. This is, by our account, an internal matter." One of the Tzenkethi aides said, with a bit of condescension in her voice.
Rubbing his spotted temple, Etan took a calming breath. "As we communicated at the time of the so-called transition of power, Korzenten requested asylum which was granted by myself as commander of this station. That status was then confirmed by the Federation government. So he remains under our protection."
Lorqueten looked agitated. His sharp teeth gritted against one another. There were more silent looks between the Tzenkethi.
The one female aide looked at Kaz and then Scordato. "It was our understanding that Korzenten would be present aboard the station."
Kaz nodded affirmatively. "That was the plan," He looked toward Scordato. "The ship carrying him experienced engine trouble en route."
The Tzenkethi woman scoffed. "Our continued cooperation is dependant upon Korzenten's arrest by the current regime." the other Tzenkethi nodded.
"I'm afraid that wouldn't have been possible either way. " Etan began, "Korzenten has been granted political sanctuary by the United Federation of Planets. Under the current terms of the last treaty between our people, that protection will be upheld and his extradition won't be possible."
Silently, Lorqueten stood from his seat. His reptillian teeth snarled slightly. The rest of his retinue followed suit, and within a moment the Tzenkethi had left the room.
Etan widened his eyes and spoke. "What the Hell just happened?" He asked rhetorically. He knew full well what had happened. The negotiations were over, and it was likely that the relative peace between the Federation and the Coalition was as well.