01-A Change
Post Count: 6After talks with the Tzenkethi Coalition, under leadership of Lorqueten Siv Lom-A, fell apart the Tzenkethi party returned to coalition space putting the Federation once again in a conflict with the Tzenkethi Coalition.
A new year is well underway, and with it come changes for Deep Space K-17, chief among those changes is a new Commanding Officer.
The crew is still adjusting to the fact that the station is no longer the butt of every joke in Starfleet, not to mention the learning curve of working with a newly updated station.
Part of 2396
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00 -Life on the Line
Post Count: 32After nearly a generation of near inactivity, DS K-17 has become a dead end for Starfleet’s malcontents. Everything seems mundane business as usual.
Part of 2395
01-Crossing the Line
Post Count: 15Alarms raised in the middle of the night, a Tzenkethi convoy en route, and all before the Captain has had just first coffee.
Part of 2395
02-The Line Widens
Post Count: 31Following the incident with the Tzenkethi life on K-17 has resumed. But changes are afoot. Starfleet cannot deny the importance of the outdated station anymore and decides that a bit of an overhaul is in order. In addition, new crew arrives, unsure what to make of their new posting.
Part of 2395
03-Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
Post Count: 26Part of 2395