Posted on Mon Feb 3rd, 2025 @ 9:38pm by Captain Etan Kaz & Lieutenant Commander Athon Scordato & Lieutenant Skot Ryder & Lieutenant Tequila Dreik & Petty Officer 1st Class Xuan Chihyon
Edited on on Mon Feb 3rd, 2025 @ 9:41pm
03-Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
Location: Panoramic Lorunge- Deck 8
"We've done our best to follow what little information we have on Tzenkethi food and drink. I'm sure it'll be fine." The Captain said to a rather flustered looking Steward. "I'm also sure they'll still complain, but that was going to happen regardless." He offered a consoling smile and tugged at the collar of his dress white uniform.
The Vulcan counselor, Sel, approached the Captain. "Sir, the Tzenkethi are en route. Security teams are standing by." The Lieutenant said flatly, his dress uniform without a single crease.
"Thank you Mister Sel." Kaz smiled and half winked in appreciation for the Vulcan's update. "Alright people," He called out, clasping his hands in front of him. "Our guests are on their way here now. We need to be polite, and mingle. Try to keep to non-sensitive subjects as much as you can."
Non-sensitive?Xuan asked herself. It was still an interesting experience, being in a room filled with officers. The stewards and the deckhands were all her kind, enlisted and non-commissioned, and it felt awkward not being of service with them. Is this what a senior officer's life was like? Xuan still wasn't sure how she felt about it. "All right," she muttered, finding herself a tall flute of ale in order to help her relax.
Tiki tugged at the hem of her dress tunic, pulling it down awkwardly. Both the tunic and the skirt beneath felt like they were constricting her body, even her boots felt awkwardly uncomfortable, something she was putting down to uncertainty at the situation they were facing. She snagged a glass from a passing server and swallowed the contents quickly, setting it down as her eyes scanned over the other guests in the room, hand automatically reaching for another glass as another server passed by. She drifted toward Xuan, holding her glass up in front of her and offering a vague smile. "How long do you think we have to wait until we can politely make our excuses and get out of here?" Tiki asked quietly.
Xuan smiled as a reflex while she stifled a soft laugh. She raised her own glass in response and offered, "You know, I'm not too sure." After a slight bend of the wrist to indicate a toast, she took a sip of the drink. "This is actually my first time during a function like this," Xuan confessed.
"Trust me, you aren't missing much," Tiki laughed softly. "These are usually boring, drawn out affairs where everyone has to promise to be on their best behaviour or else... yawn." She shook her head.
The Orion hybrid smiled, finding comfort in that she wasn't alone with how she felt. "Then yawn it is. Perhaps its best to find a perch to watch the show. Maybe that will be more entertaining."
"So long as we're out of the Captain's view, but still in the path of a drinks tray," Tiki said with a grin. "Pretty sure I'm not the Cap's most fave person right now, and deities know, we're going to need alcohol to get through this!"
As if summoned by the topic of conversation, a Grey clad waiter moved in the direction of Tiki and Xuan. "Drink's ma'am?" He asked, his orange and red striped skin was glossy enough to see one's own reflection in.
"Absolutely," Xuan said with a soft smile as she exchanged her empty glass for a new one. She took a moment to glance at the waiter, trying to recall the name of his species, but failing to do so. Believing it to be inappropriate to ask such a question under the circumstances, she turned her attention back to Tiki. "So what did you do to fall out of favour with the Captain?"
"That," she took a swallow of her drink and laughed. "That is a long story but suffice it to say I'm grounded until further notice."
Xuan chuckled in response before taking a sip of her new drink. "So you're a pilot then?"
"Worse, I'm the doctor," she shot a grin back at Xuan before swallowing hard as the doors opened. "Here we go..." she muttered softly.
Etan moved towards the entrance where the Tzenkethi would be arriving. He brush down the front of his uniform with his hands. "Commander!" He called to Scordato, waving the younger man over to him.
TAG Scordato
The doors to the Lounge parted with a distinct hiss, giving the room's occupants a framed image of the Tzenkethi delegation led by General Lorqueten. they were flanked by a contingent of Starfleet personnel including Lieutnant Ryder. The room fell silent at the contingent's arrival.
Captain Kaz took a small step towards the hulking Tzenkethi, looking ever the model of a Starfleet Officer. "General Lorqueten. Thank you for coming. It is the hope of the United Federation of Planets that this visit be the first step towards understanding between our peoples." The greeting was something Etan had been practicing all day. He watched himself recite it in the mirror, he did while sitting at his desk, and even while in the head. He needed this to go flawlessly, and without anymore issue than the diplomatic team not arriving in time.
Lorqueten sneered slightly, taking in the room and its occupants. "Thank you Captain." He spoke with a deep voice, allowing his eyes to fall on the Trill man.
"May I introduce my interim First Officer, Commander Athon Scordato." Etan gestured towards the Novan man.
Taking a half step and reaching out to where Tiki and Xuan stood. "My Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Tequila Dreik and Chief of Operations, Petty Officer Xuan Chihyon."
Tiki stood a little straighter in the presence of her Commanding Officer and his guest. "Welcome to Deep Space K-17," she replied politely with a slight nod of her head and a charming smile.
Xuan, still slightly embarrassed by the fact that she hadn't caught on that she was speaking with the Chief Medical Officer, tugged at the bottom of her enlisted dress uniform. The Orion bowed slightly, an honorific she'd learned from her human mother. "General," she greeted.
Lorqueten stopped and regarded Xuan for a moment. "An Orion on a Federation Starbase?!" He feigned incredulity. "We have dealt in trade with the Syndicate amicably, and I would never have thought them suited to Federation service and ideals." The Reptillian grinned a sharp, toothy smile.
It wasn't the first time Xuan had been looked down on or been a target for racism based on the majority of her people. "Half Orion," she corrected. "I grew up with my human mother throughout Federation space. One would think that I wouldn't be suited to Orion service and ideals."
Lorqueten looked as though she'd spat in his face. He wasn't used to having people speak so freely to him.
The Captain cleared his throat to recapture the attention of his guests. He looked towards where Sel and Skot stood. "May I introduce, Doctor Sel our Counselor." The spot on his hand were dark as he gestured in Sel's direction.
Sel tilted his head to the side. "A rare opportunity we find ourselves in." The Vulcan said, seemingly to the Captain and the Tzenkethi.
"And you know Lieutenant Ryder of course." Etan nodded towards Skot, silently thanking him for all his work since the Tzenkethi arrived.