Lieutenant Haz Mondo
Name Haz Mondo PsyD
Position Chief Counselor
Rank Lieutenant
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Catullan | |
Age | 32 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6'3" | |
Weight | 221LBS | |
Hair Color | Blue | |
Eye Color | Blue | |
Physical Description | Haz is a typical looking Catullan man. He has naturally blue hair, as does the rest of his family. He is rather tall, even by Catullan standards. |
Father | Rivo Mondo | |
Mother | Brinny Mondo | |
Brother(s) | Teff | |
Sister(s) | Danyl |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | A deeply spiritual man , he has a calm and collected demeanor. |
Personal History | haz was born on the Thirteenth day of Rinda in Waxit City on Catulla , to parents Rivo and Brinny. His upbringing was mostly traditional. He was the oldest of three children and spent many days babysitting his sibling while their parents worked in their restaurant. He learned a level of responsibility than many other children don't have.. When he was still quite young, his parents had their marriage dissolved. This time became tumultuous for the young boy and his siblings, feeling as if they had to choose which parent they preferred. With the bad blood pooling between his parent's, Haz watched as the family restaurant was fought over and eventually sold. Haz and his siblings stayed with their mother and moved to an apartment in the city center. Haz, filled with sadness following his parent’s separation, threw himself into school and excelled. His grades were good and he exceeded his community support requirement that is the staple of Catullan schooling. When Haz was old enough, he applied to the Waxit Institute for Higher Learning to study Applied Psychology. After his acceptance he studied for several years and became involved with Starfleet through a mentor in his program, who was a retired officer. He spent much of his time consumed with studies, so much so that when he completed his degree he made the decision to apply to Starfleet Academy to continue studying. After a rigorous application and pre-examination process Haz was accepted. His focus was on the counselling track, hoping to build on the knowledge he already had on the subject. Upon his graduation he was assigned to the USS Hamilton where he served as a Counselor for 5 years. he was then assigned to Deep Space K-17, which had just completed a major overhaul. |