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Posted on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 3:56pm by Captain Etan Kaz & Lieutenant JG Sel PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Athon Scordato & Lieutenant Skot Ryder & Lieutenant Tequila Dreik & Petty Officer 1st Class Xuan Chihyon

Mission: 03-Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
Location: Docking Port- Deck 5,Pylon A
Timeline: MD03- 1100

Captain Kaz stood with his senior staff, watching through the viewports as two Tzenkethi cruisers drifted gracefully towards the docking port.The communication from USS Akorem was still fresh in the Captain's mind, having only just come through the hour before. The communique told of sudden and complete engine failure, but it was the final line of text that stuck with Etan.

'The diplomatic talks must stay on schedule, a task that now falls to you and your staff.'

While he still didn't know how to tell his comrades, now seemed like the last opportunity to do so. Blinking anxiously, he stepped out of line with his staff and turned to face them. He looked smart in his dress uniform. He took a deep breath. "Alright folks, I received word from the Admiral Virtam. The diplomatic team is not going to make it in time, so we will be handling this summit." He gritted his teeth and looked around to gauge their reactions.

Where Tiki would normally have made some kind of outburst at the news, she instead remained mostly silent, her only response being "Of course we are," the words heavy with exasperation and annoyance. "I have a strip that says we end up with bloodshed before the first day is out."

"That is exactly what we need to prevent." Etan said, nodding towards Tiki. "I know that this is extremely short notice, I only just found out myself, but we have pull together and really prove ourselves here." The Trill man clasped his hands behind his back.

"Making shit up as we go..." she gave a satirical laugh before throwing out some sarcastic jazz hands. "Something new and unusual for us!"

Lieutnant Sel tilted his head to the left, taking in the Doctor's gesture. "It would seem to me that we are sufficiently equipped to undertake the assignment. Despite the sudden notice, I would think that there are few others more capable of advocating for the Federation in this matter than a crew who, for the most part, have lived on, and having experienced, the Tzenkethi border." The Vulcan man moved his eyes toward Captain Kaz.

Unlike the other senior staff members, Xuan didn't have an opinion. It was evident that there were strong feelings about the Tzenkethi among the entire crew, not just the senior staff. But she was no stranger to impossible missions, especially when there was a personal bias involved. At least she had plenty of other things to occupy her time, including continuing a massive refit.

Standing next to the open spot that Kaz had just vacated, the station's newly-minted interim first officer listened carefully to what the others were saying. Most of it was along the lines of what he'd come to expect from them (after having served together even a short while). And he, for his part, didn't exactly disagree with the sentiment. It was surprising (and frustrating) to hear that the Akorem would not be arriving as planned. However, given his new position, Scordato felt his contribution should be more...constructive.

"The counselor is right," he said, "I think we can all agree it would have been nice if the diplomatic team was here to take over and run point on all this. But like Sel said, we've been living this situation for a while now. We do our best, and we can cover things until the Akorem does arrive."

Kaz smiled. The diplomatic , but also wise words from Commander Scordato only proved to the Captain that his choice of a right hand was correct.

The Captain wet his lips with his tongue. He was expecting a reaction from his staff, and this was a lot better than he had anticipated."We've taken care of all the prep work assigned to us by the Diplomats, the rest will be a cake walk." He ruled, sounding like he was trying to convince himself of that fact. "Once they're aboard, myself and Commander Scordato will escort them to their lodgings, and show them where we will be conducting our talks." He offered a weak smile to the Commander. "We are meant to host a reception for them in the function area on Deck 8. I'd appreciate it if Doctor Dreik and PO Chihyon," He indicated the two women,"could double check that that area is set after we're done here."

Xuan tilted her head slightly. Part of her wanted to leave right at this moment. She knew if Romulans or Cardassians were coming aboard, they wouldn't appreciate being shown to their accommodations first. They'd either want to go straight to business, or straight to the reception in order to better gauge their opponents before battling with their words across the table. "Not a problem, sir," she confirmed.

Tiki nodded, glancing between the Captain and Xuan. "Yes Sir," she finally responded quietly, silently glad to be given the excuse to get away from Skot, well aware of his repeated glances in her direction.

"Mister Ryder and his teams will be dispersed on the upper decks, which will be the only areas accessible by the delegation." The Captain rocked on his heel slightly. "Does anyone have any questions?" He glanced towards the glass viewport as the Tzenkethi cruisers grew closer to the station, their trajectory being guided by the docking tractors.

"Alpha, Beta and Delta teams will be on rotating shifts, standard diplomatic protocols. Nothing heavier than a phaser on those levels," Skot chimed in as he forced his gaze onto the incoming ships rather than Tiki's distancing figure.

The Captain nodded. He was pleased that his staff was able to pull off everything they had with such short notice. It certainly spoke volumes to the growth and commitment of the crew. the newfound pride could, he was sure, be attributed to the changing surroundings and the attention being given by Starfleet Command.

There was a familiar clink as the lead Tzenkethi ship was mag-locked into place. The airlock doors hissed loudly before opening, and permitting a small group of very tall reptilians onto the station. His hands in tight fists, Etan stepped forward. "I am Captain Etan Kaz of the Federation station Deep Space K-17. On behalf of the United Federation of Planets, welcome."


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