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Wild Weekend in Vega-Part Four

Posted on Tue Aug 20th, 2024 @ 3:02am by Lieutenant Tequila Dreik & Lieutenant Skot Ryder

Mission: 02-The Line Widens

Tiki moved slightly, groaning at the heaviness in her head accompanied by the cottony feeling in her mouth. She opened one eye partly, just enough to realise that she was in her own hotel room on Vega.

She reached up, resting a hand on her face for a few moments, pressing fingertips into her temples in order to try and stifle the throbbing that was starting inside her brain.

There was a movement, the weight of the bed shifted and a warm hand slid over her bare hip and caressed the flat of her stomach.

Tiki froze, inhaling sharply. She tightened her hand around the sheet covering her and froze for a moment before turning slowly, taking in the sleeping form of Skot behind her, blissfully unaware of his surroundings. "What are you doing in my room?" Tiki demanded. Holding the sheet firmly and rolling for the side, falling out of the bed before stumbling awkwardly to her feet. "NO, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED!" she shouted, immediately wincing as the sound echoed around her, making her brain throb even harder as she waited for an answer.

Skot shot awake sitting straight up in the bed from the sudden shouting that had taken place. Almost instantaneously his head began to feel like it was about to split in half, "Hold on, what the hell this isn't...." He trailed off as his blurry gaze fell on Tiki holding the sheet to her chest, "Oh god no."

Tiki remained silent for a moment, giving her head a chance to adjust to the resounding thudding of her own pulse at her temples. She could feel her chest rising and falling with each rapid breath, knuckles turning white from the death grip she had on the cloth that suddenly seemed to be clinging to her shape. "Well?"

Skot hopped out of bed, gesturing with his arms, "Well what?! Clearly this is your doing. I NEVER would have drank that much if it weren't......." His gaze came to rest on his left ring finger, "Oh crap."

She closed the small space between herself and the bed, picking up a pillow and throwing it at him as hard as she could. "For the love of the deities, cover your junk!" she shot back. "And don't think you can change the topic!" She took a step toward him, holding a finger out toward him menacingly. "This is YOUR doing! So give me one good reason that I shouldn't give you a colonoscopy via your nasal passages?" she demanded angrily.

Skot held the pillow as tight against himself as he could, he didn't really understand why he felt the need to...maybe some primal sense of decency? The threat of the EXTREMELY violent medical procedure snapped him back to reality. "Look before you do all that examining we have a bigger issue," he reached out with his free hand, grabbing her left wrist and raising it to her eyes, "Look!"

There was a moment of stunned silence as Tiki stared, open mouthed, at the gold band shimmering on her ring finger. Slowly her gaze moved beyond Skot to the empty champagne bottle and the signed certificates on the dresser, a cheesy floral arrangement tossed carelessly on the floor near the door, followed by an array of clothing littering the way toward the bed. Her hand slowly drifted downward, returning to holding the sheet tightly against her chest as she cast an incredulous look in his direction. "What the hell have you done..."

"What I've done?! Pretty sure this requires consent from BOTH parties sweetheart." Skot dropped the pillow and began to gather his clothes off the floor and pulling them on. "Before we do anything though, first coffee."

"Screw coffee," she shot back, tightening the sheet around her as she headed toward the mini bar. "I need something stronger..." she opened the small bar and looked at the assortment of empty bottles tossed carelessly inside and sighed heavily. "You really screwed this one up didn't you," she muttered darkly as she started gathering up her own clothes. "My signature may be on that certificate but it was one hundred percent your doing, I can guarantee it."

Pulling his shirt on, Skot reached down and picked up the pillow and gently tossed it at Tiki before walking out the door, "Whatever you say Sparkles," he commented just as the door closed behind him.

Storming after him, Tiki threw the pillow at his retreating form, watching as it hit the closed door and fell pointlessly to the floor. "Bastard!" she shouted after him, well aware of the fact that he wouldn't be able to hear, and even if he did, he likely wouldn't care.


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