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Wild Weekend in Vega-Part Three

Posted on Tue Aug 20th, 2024 @ 3:02am by Lieutenant Tequila Dreik & Lieutenant Skot Ryder

Mission: 02-The Line Widens
Location: Vega
Timeline: Current

Skot and Tiki had been sitting at the bar for a few hours barely speaking, mostly drinking. Skot was still processing why he got so angry at the hotel bar when a random patron put his hands on Tiki and he could really explain it, after all they weren't really the best of friends given the precious months on the station together, but whenever he looked at her there was just something....he cut off the thought and quickly downed another drink.

Tiki finished another drink, pushing the glass away, enjoying the buzz she could feel. “If I could keep this buzz going on being on that damnable station might be more bearable,” she murmured as she picked up another drink that had been delivered to their table.

Skot perked up a little when he heard Tiki speak. He reached for the new drink, some kind of dark liquor he couldn't remember the name of at this point and tossed it back. As he sat the now empty glass down on the table his hand unconsciously drifted over till it was touching Tiki's

She felt a zap of electricity race along her arm at the slight touch. Instead of moving her hand away she left it motionless, picking up her new glass with her other hand and following his lead, knocked it back, grimaced and set the glass back down, shaking her head violently, the motion brushing her hand against his. “I think I lost my tastebuds about three drinks ago…”

Skot knocked back one more drink and when his eyes came back into focus all he could see was Tiki's face. 'What the hell' he thought. He moved his hand to take a hold of her's, squeezing it as he pulled her in and kissed her.

Taken by surprise, Tiki froze momentarily before leaning into him, returning his kiss fervently, caught up in the moment and fuelled by alcohol.

Skot broke the kiss and pulled back fully expecting a slap to follow. When it didn't he looked deep into Tiki's eyes, "I'm sorry I don't know what that was."

Tiki gasped, looking back into his eyes, fingers touching at her lips for a moment before her hand fell away and she leaned into him, arms sliding around his neck as she reached up on tip toes, fingers curling in his hair as she pulled his head down so she could kiss him again.

Skot brought his arms up and wrapped them around Tiki's waist pulling her in closer as he leaned down and kissed her again. The broke for air again and he looked down at her, "I don't know if it's the alcohol and I don't care. Let's see where the night takes us."

“The night can take you outta my bar!” A gruff voice barked from behind them, startling them both. “Closing time.”
‘Closing time?’ Tiki felt a moment of confusion wash over her. She quickly covered it with a grin as Skot took her hand, leading her out of the bar and into the night.

As the pair exited the building Skot's eyes were drawn to flashing lights just a few blocks away giving him an idea. He turned to face Tiki with an evil grin on, "I don't know about you but I'm not done enjoying myself," he motioned with his head towards the the lights off in the distance, "Care to join me?"

The surprise on Tiki's face at this suggestion was rather obvious. "You?" she asked, doing a visual double take. "You want to go to Anypoliptos??" I would never have picked you for that kind... is this the rebel finally coming out or am I just that bad of an influence?"

Skot smiled his all too infamous smile that had gotten him into a lot of trouble in the past, "Why Doctor, if you only knew the stories I have you wouldn't think so high and mighty of me," he took her hand once more bringing her close and wrapping his arm around her, "Now are you coming along or not?"

She grinned in response and gave a quick nod. "Lead the way."


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