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Wild Weekend in Vega-Part Two

Posted on Tue Aug 20th, 2024 @ 3:02am by Lieutenant Tequila Dreik & Lieutenant Skot Ryder

Mission: 02-The Line Widens
Location: Vega
Timeline: Current

Skot brought the shuttle down onto the surface of Vega, admittedly a little bit rough, and peaked out the corner of his eye to see the jolt waking up his sleeping passenger. "We've arrived your highness."

Tiki opened her eyes, scowling at his tone. "We aren't scheduled to meet with Dr Travorick until tomorrow at 9am so I'm going to the hotel," her words were cool as she stood up, gathering up her belongings. "Are you coming or are you planning to sleep in the shuttle?"

Skot chuckled as he stood up and grabbed his duffle bag from the storage compartment and opened the back hatch, then gesturing with his hand, "After you your majesty."

She shook her head, slinging her duffle over her shoulder and striding out of the shuttle, remaining silent and refusing to respond to his barb.

It didn't take long to reach their accommodations and get into their rooms. Less than thirty minutes later Tiki was dressed down in low rise jeans and a scant black halter as she walked out of her room, twisting her hair up high into a messy bun, long tendrils already coming away and framing her face. As the doors to her room closed behind her she was aware of Skot striding toward her, a cheshire cat grin on his face. "Now what?" she asked acerbically.

Skot shook his head, "Nothing, I just didn't figure you would be one to leave your room seeing as we ARE technically still on mission." He walked past her and hit the button for the elevator. He looked back and saw Tiki was still standing at her door glaring at him, "You coming?"

The bar was about the same as any bar. It was dusky and the smell of liquor hung in the air, accompanied by the lingering scent of food. "I'm starving," she said simply as she head for the bar and placed her order before making her way to a table, two drinks in hand.

Skot slid onto a barstool, drink in hand, and started watching some random sports game that was on the monitors. He quickly finished his first drink, began his second and picked up a conversation with some locals about the game on the screen.

Tiki was quite content with her peace, or, at least, as much peace as one could get in a bar like this, though her contentment was quickly disturbed when a figure slid into the seat across from her. Despite her repeated attempts to disuade his interest, Tiki found herself plagued by his attention, attention that was becoming more and more overbearing by the moment.

Skot had been keeping a watch on Tiki from the corner of his eye, he knew she could take care of herself but she was his crew mate after all. He noticed the unwanted companion slide into the seat opposite her and her MANY attempts to dislodge herself from the conversation. To Skot's shock the man slid a hand onto Tiki refusing to remove it
April 8, 2024

Tiki stared at the hand that gripped her own for a moment, anger bubbling within her at the sheer audacity of this individual. She was about to speak when Skot slid into the seat next to her, the expression on his own face even darker and more foreboding than her own.

Skot's gaze was unsettlingly fierce as he stared into the individuals eyes almost as if he was looking right into their soul and cleared his throat before he spoke, "Hey bud, how many fingers do you want to be able to use?" The person sitting opposite of him looked extremely confused, "What are you..." Skot quickly interrupted him, "None got it," before anyone could react Skot reached out and grabbed the person's hand pulling it off of Tiki's. He twisted the wrist just right to snap the bones breaking it. He stood up as he let go, the person opposite him was sinking to the floor, and walked around the table to deliver two successive hits to the person's face knocking them unconscious.

“Are you stupid?” Tiki demanded, sliding out of the booth and grabbing Skot’s wrist. “Come on, we have to get the hell out of here before security arrives and we get arrested. The Captain will kick my ass if you get charged for assault!” She half dragged him toward the door, annoyed because she had to leave the bar.

Once outside Skot broke free of Tiki's grip but kept pace with her, "And the Captain would kill me if anything happened to you." They kept moving until they found a moment to stop and catch their breath. Skot looked at Tiki in the eyes holding her gaze before he spoke, "Look I know you could have handled yourself back there. I just...I don't know. I saw he was making you uncomfortable and I wanted to put a stop to it."

Tiki stopped dead in her tracks is and stared at him for a moment. “Before this conversation goes any further I need another drink…. Or ten…” she said, her voice taking in an oddly quiet tone. “Come on fly boy, there’s a bar over the way…. They won’t give a damn, just don’t act like a Fleeter and no one cares what you do.”

Skot sighed, letting his eyes wander for a moment, before he spoke, "Drinks sound really good. Maybe some ice for my hand," and fell in step behind Tiki.


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