Welcome to the Tzenkethi Border.

Built originally as a trade and supply outpost, Deep Space K-17 has had a long and rich history.

Following the Federation's first war with the Tzenkethi Coalition in 2280, Starfleet deemed it prudent to convert the K-Class outpost and to operate it as a listening post on the Tzenkethi Border. Gone were the days of vibrant trade and commerce, giving way to a much more solemn and serious tone about the station.

In 2361, the Tzenkethi and the Federation entered into another conflict which eventually resulted in a ceasefire in 2363. This time the Coalition went into isolation from the Federation.

Deep Space K-17 continued to function as a listening post, but quickly began to fall into disuse. With the Tzenkethi deep in isolation from the Federation, there was little need for a a full compliment to man K-17.

Over the next few decades Deep Space K-17 became a dumping ground for Starfleet's malcontents and non-starters. It became synonymous with career purgatory.

Until it happened...

Deep Space K-17 is a proud member of Pegasus Fleet.

This game is governed by the Pegasus Fleet Rules and Guidelines.

RPG Rating 3 2 2

Latest Mission Posts

» Welcome

Mission: 03-Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
Posted on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 3:56pm by Captain Etan Kaz & Lieutenant JG Sel PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Athon Scordato & Lieutenant Skot Ryder & Lieutenant Tequila Dreik & Petty Officer 1st Class Xuan Chihyon

Captain Kaz stood with his senior staff, watching through the viewports as two Tzenkethi cruisers drifted gracefully towards the docking port.The communication from USS Akorem was still fresh in the Captain's mind, having only just come through the hour before. The communique told of sudden and complete engine failure, but…

» Wild Weekend in Vega-Part Four

Mission: 02-The Line Widens
Posted on Tue Aug 20th, 2024 @ 3:02am by Lieutenant Tequila Dreik & Lieutenant Skot Ryder

Tiki moved slightly, groaning at the heaviness in her head accompanied by the cottony feeling in her mouth. She opened one eye partly, just enough to realise that she was in her own hotel room on Vega.

She reached up, resting a hand on her face for a few moments,…

» Wild Weekend in Vega-Part Three

Mission: 02-The Line Widens
Posted on Tue Aug 20th, 2024 @ 3:02am by Lieutenant Tequila Dreik & Lieutenant Skot Ryder

Skot and Tiki had been sitting at the bar for a few hours barely speaking, mostly drinking. Skot was still processing why he got so angry at the hotel bar when a random patron put his hands on Tiki and he could really explain it, after all they weren't really…

» Wild Weekend in Vega-Part Two

Mission: 02-The Line Widens
Posted on Tue Aug 20th, 2024 @ 3:02am by Lieutenant Tequila Dreik & Lieutenant Skot Ryder

Skot brought the shuttle down onto the surface of Vega, admittedly a little bit rough, and peaked out the corner of his eye to see the jolt waking up his sleeping passenger. "We've arrived your highness."

Tiki opened her eyes, scowling at his tone. "We aren't scheduled to meet with…

» Wild Weekend in Vega - Part One

Mission: 02-The Line Widens
Posted on Tue Aug 20th, 2024 @ 3:02am by Lieutenant Tequila Dreik & Lieutenant Skot Ryder

The expression on Tiki's face as she entered the hangar bay did nothing at all to hide her unhappiness at the situation she found herself in. The last thing she wanted was to spend the next two days with Skot. Despite the fleeting moment of gentleness he had showed her,…