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Pride, Prejudice, and Priorities

Posted on Wed Jun 12th, 2024 @ 4:38pm by Petty Officer 1st Class Xuan Chihyon & Captain Etan Kaz

Mission: 03-Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
Location: Main Engineering

It wasn't an engineer's life unless the scope of work or priorities changed every hour. Xuan had only been on board the station for a few days, and she'd been fortunate to not have to combat a change order since then. She'd known it was only a matter of time before it happened, especially since it had felt overdue. As she left the conference room, Xuan contacted her deputies and instructed them to meet her in Engineering. She did not share the news over the comm, but it was clear that new orders had arrived that would change everything.

The Chief Operations Officer arrived just a couple minutes later and found the team already assembled and standing around the operations table. Above the table, a translucent holographic projection of the station rotated slowly between everyone. "Orders from the Captain," Xuan began as the Orion/human hybrid approached the table. "In a couple of days, we are going to host a Tzenkethi delegation. Those of you familiar with the upper decks," Xuan reached forward and used hand motions to zoom into the holgraphic projection to the top-most twelve decks, "know that decks eight and ten are incomplete. These are now our top priority. Anyone familiar with their status that can bring us all up to speed?"

A rather handsome looking female Xahean with cropped hair raised her hand. "Deck eight is aesthetically rough at the moment ma'am, but all the system updates and hardwiring is completed. Deck ten is a different story. Only the corridors have been overhauled, unless work on decks nine or eleven required access through ten's conduits." Her black eyes reflected the light from the holographic display.

"Then cosmetics on deck eight will be simple enough," Xuan said, struggling to keep herself from frowning. Aesthetics were simple, but slow. Replicating and machining conduit covers, and then painting, carpeting, labelling and other decorations. It was a feat not for the faint of heart, not a rapid timetable. "I can work with the Captain and see if we can pull in some extra steady hands. As for deck ten..."

Another engineer spoke up. "If deck ten is a priority, does that mean that the Tzenkethi will be lodging aboard the station?" This man, a Bolian, had been aboard K-17 since before the border incident. It was clear the thought of 'the enemy' staying on the station brought up feelings of animosity, anger, and also confusion.

"That is the case, yes," Xuan confirmed. She hadn't been present during the border incident, but she had been aboard enough long enough to hear the stories. In all her years growing up and serving on border cutters, she was no stranger to conflicts like these. "And before any of you get any ideas, just remember, we are part of the Federation. We once were at war with the Klingons, and now they are our greatest ally. The Romulans have endured alongside us, and so have the Cardassians, and so many other races and powers out here. These are diplomatic talks, nothing more."

There was a general sort of resignation among the gather engineers, they understood that this was their job and their service to the Federation.

The Bolian, however, began to grumble something under his breath as he turned away from his Orion superior, his arms crossed.

Xuan took immediate note of this. "Is there a problem, Mister...?" Because his back was turned, and Xuan still hadn't caught on to all of her team's names, she could not see his rank in order to address him by it?

"Zot, Langg Zot. Ensign." He said, rolling his eyes as he turned to face her. "With all due respect, I'm not certain why you of all people were put in charge this department. There are plenty of qualified officers, many who understand what this station and crew have been through." His tone was very pointed, and it was clear he believed that an officer should be running the department.

Xuan chuckled, and made no attempt to keep a smirk from appearing on her face. She clicked her tongue and set down the padd she was holding, "You know, Ensign Zot, you're right. I've only been here a couple of days, and I don't share the same experiences as you or any of the other officers and enlisted personnel that have been here for a while."

Shrugging her shoulders, she added, "And I can see why you'd be confused by taking orders from an enlisted woman. So, let's talk about that. K17's old. And I know old gear. Prior to my enlistment nine years ago, I was a Starfleet brat. I trained in Excelsiors, Mirandas, Constellations. Places like K17, all between the ages of 8 and 18. I'm here because I'm basically an expert. And my nine years of active duty service? Add those together, and it's almost 20."

Xuan tapped the edge of the table twice with her right index finger. "I might not have the shared experience you all have with the Tzenkethi. But just because I don't have it, doesn't mean I don't respect your thoughts and opinions. You have a concern, then you share it. Get it off your chest, and let's mitigate it together. And let's all not forget what stations like these have seen before our births and commissions. We can't ignore concerns, but we also can't afford to let outdated hostilities and grudges govern our actions and futures. Every species in this room has a storied past filled with conflicts and prejudices. Mine still does. But they teach us at basic training to look past those and serve the ideals of Starfleet and the Federation. I'm sure the Academy does the same."

Ensign Zot scoffed, his arms still folded across his chest. "The ideals of Starfleet have nothing to do with taking orders from a PO after spending years in the Academy." He looked around, hoping for support from his comrades, but found none. "She," He pointed at Xuan. "means to have us work so those who attacked us and would've blown us out of the skies can come to stay." He moved to leave. "I for one will not."

Xuan picked up her padd, but did not glance down at it. This certainly was not her first encounter with a rank- and order-obsessed ensign, and it likely wouldn't be her last. "That is your choice, Ensign. You should be aware of a couple of things, however." The engineer waited for a moment before continuing. "If you leave now, you will be marked as absent without leave. The associated perks include confinement to the brig for duration of these overtures. There's not an outbound transport for the next week, so your confinement would keep you locked down until a transfer can be established."

A smile crept onto her face. "Now, if you choose to stay, I'm happy to ignore this incident and pretend it never happened. Besides, if you're so concerned about an enlisted person running Engineering, I would like to point out that the Federation overcame situations like the abolishing of the Khitomer Accords, Cardassian Occursions, and even the Dominion War thanks to people like Chief Petty Officer Miles O'Brien, who served faithfully as Chief Operations Officer at Deep Space Nine. In fact, I think he still teaches at Starfleet Academy. Is that correct?"

Zot rolled his eyes and started toward the door. "I'd rather speak to an officer, someone who cares about this crew. If I have to wait in the brig for that conversation, I'll head there now." He departed the meeting without another word.

Once the Bolian had left, Xuan addressed the group at large. "Contrary to what Ensign Zot has said, I do care about this crew, and so does the Captain. Orders have come down from above him, and we are uniquely pressed and suited for this engagement to unfold. Now, our efforts aren't about the Tzenkethi. It's about... adjusting priorities around the overarching goal, and that's the refit of this station. We pull this off in the time allotted, and I'll buy the first round of drinks when it's all over." With that, she paused and waited for the group to react.

The female Xahean from earlier smiled at Xuan. "We should break into teams, to divide and conquer." She ran her fingers through her hair. "We should also loop in the SCE personnel. It'll help make light work of things, and get us to that deadline. I like Saurian Brandy." She winked at the Orion woman.

Xuan smiled in reply. She hoped she'd found at least one ally within the Engineering team, though time would tell in that regard. "And, to Zot's point earlier, we'll need to loop in security. We need to make every effort to ensure security systems and emergency forcefields aren't just working, but redundant as well."

The Xahean nodded and made a mental note. "We will make that a priority ma'am." She touched her short hair. "If you'd like, since we've been working with them pretty closely, I can liaise with the SCE team and get a work roster together."

"That I do like," Xuan confirmed with a smile of her own. "I'll connect with our Chief of Security and see if he can spare some personnel for the security system checks." She paused for a second, wondering how that would go, a First Class Petty Officer negotiating with a Lieutenant. It couldn't go worse than how it went down with Zot, right?

Xuan looked over at the rest of her team. "Anything else?"

All around her heads shook. Everyone seemed eager to get to work, whether that eagerness was born out of fear or desire to impress the new Department Head, varied person to person.

The new Chief Engineer smiled. "Then let's get to work."


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